Ko Shing Gallery, Hong Kong
G/F, 5A Ko Shing Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Opening Reception: Friday, May 25th from 6:00 - 9:00 pm
Opening Hours: May 25, 2018 (6pm - 9pm) – May 26, 2018 (11am - 5 pm)
"Presence” examines relationships between humans and nature, questioning both presence and absence and invites the public to immerse in existential themes involving identity, intimacy and meditation.
Artist Introduction

Rebe Wong
Rebe Wong is a Hong Kong based multi-disciplinary artist focusing on personal and cultural issues. With a minimalistic visual language, Rebe utilizes sculpture, installation and embroidery to depict feelings of longing, interpretations of her mother’s singing and the reality of living in Hong Kong. Rebe asks personal and universal questions of what defines identity.

Ingjerd Holten Ytterdal
Ingjerd Holten Ytterdal’s paintings revolve around finding time for stillness in a busy modern life. Ingjerd embraces the process of chance and the act of pouring paint becomes a meditative practice. Capturing moments such as her oldest child moving away from home, her work reveals the complex fact that presence and absence always means something to someone.
Ingjerd Holten Ytterdal是現居於香港的挪威藝術家,她在忙碌的生活中作出反覆的思考,借以返回原來的平靜。看著液體的流動,她猶如放下心裡的執念。看著子女的離開家園的事實,她透過種種顏色的變動,比喻自己作為母親慢慢放手的心情。

Happy Lee
Happy Lee is a multidisciplinary artist focusing on deconstructing conceptual identity. Working in painting and sculpture, Happy believes that absorbing and digesting new things is an important life value. She examines identity by painting hair preserved in jars. As hair is DNA, it is unique and defining. Happy explores human relations by preserving history and maintaining the presence of her family.